WebCalendar Support

Getting help — if you are having problems setting up WebCalendar

  1. First, check the installation instructions. Look for the file “WebCalendar-SysAdmin.html” in the “docs” directory where you unzipped the WebCalendar package. (You can also find an online copy of the document here.)
  2. If your question is not answered there, the next step is the WebCalendar FAQ.
  3. Next, see if your question is addressed in the WebCalendar Wiki (hosted on github).
  4. If you think you have found a bug in WebCalendar, please scan the list of open issueslisted on github.
  5. Finally, if you know you have found a WebCalendar bug that is not listed as “open” on github, you can submit a bug report. You will need a github account to do this. (Github accounts are free.)

89 thoughts on “WebCalendar Support

        1. You can look at the code in java code for an example. I haven’t used/tested the web service code in years, so I’m not sure it still works. You need to login via ws/login.php first, then call ws/event_mod.php to make the change.

  1. Hi,

    I downloaded and installed WebCalendar (in German), but besides “Preferences” all other tabs are deactivated. How can i fix this? I’m running WebCalendar on a local XAMPP server environment. Plus: I cannot post entries into the calendar.

  2. Dear Sir,
    we are using webcalendar in our organization (AEAT, Spain). When we define a new Event and the name of the event contains an spanich accent (p.e. Curso Zújar) , nothing is displayed in the Event Header of the Calendar. Otherwise if the title doesn’t have any accent (p.e. Curso Zujar), the whole title is displayed.
    Thank you very much.

  3. Hi,
    I have upgraded the webcalendar to v1.3. In the older version , in the monthly view – there is a “+” sign that i can click on to add a new event entry. As i am using v1.3 on my phone and tablet browser view, there is no way i can “double-click” on an empty cell to add a new entry. Would you be able to advise how i can add back the a”+” sign that i can click on to add a new event entry? This is an very important feature to use the application on a touchscreen device like mobile and tablet. Hope to hear from you. Thank you in advance

    1. Sorry to hear that it’s not working for you. I believe it depends on what device and browser you are using. I have Chrome on ios, and double tapping does work for me.

  4. I am trying to install this on our server, but the following message always appears:

    We are using hosting service GoDaddy and Installatron.

    ! The selected version 1.2.7 is not compatible with the selected install location.

    php 4.3|5-6.99 (detected: 7.2.16)

    1. If you are running PHP 7.2 on GoDaddy, you would need to run WebCalendar v1.3.0. Older versions are not compatible with PHP 7.

    1. From the “Settings” option in the top menubar, choose “Layers”. From there, use the “Add Layer…” button. This will create a popup window where you can add a new layer and choose its color.

  5. Hello,

    in webCalendar v1.3.0 i miss that the color of ‘Table cell background for days with events’ does not work in the year view! In the month view it’s ok.
    I had to change webcalendar to v1.3.0 because my hoster does not support php5.6 anymore. In an earlier version of webcalendar the color was fine also for the year view.
    Is there a possibility to fix this? Could you perhaps send me a patch?
    Thanks. Best regards.

    1. You can update CSS using the “Custom script/stylesheet” in System Settings. The style you want is “#year .hasevents”.

  6. FYI,
    I found in install/index.php some hint how to adjust this and ran
    “http://yourserver/install/index.php?tzoffset=2”. This did not help, so I tried to reinstall by uploadiung v 1.30 again using existing database. Now at the end ot the install it says “HTTP-basierende Authentisierung wurde nicht erkannt. Wählen Sie den ‘Web Server’ von ‘Benutzer Authentisierung’ unten aus.” (i.e. HTTP auth not recognized – use web server), but then there is no option to log in. Using webbased I cannot log in: wrong username/password…

  7. Customizable views are the feature of WebCalendar I love the most.
    When you have to manage a team, a view in which there is a row for every member is extremely useful.
    Unfortunately, I’m afraid I won’t be able to use WebCalendar, though.
    Anybody can advise other calendar tools that provide this feature?

    Thanks in advance.

  8. Been using K5N for over 10 years for our research institutes instrument booking and the calendar has always been very stable and reliable. Thank you!!! Recently, updated from 1.2.9 -> 1.3.0 Everything seems to work fine except one issue we cannot figure out. From the past installation from years ago we setup individual users actual people as “users” and instruments to book as “non-users” such that a user would login to their account and be able to make a booking of a “non-user” instrument calendar. When a user would create an event in the instrument “non-user” calendar this would get listed/shown in the instrument “non-user” calendar along with being listed in the user’s calendar as well. Now with update 1.3.0 when a user creates an event in another “non-user”/instrument calendar the event no longer gets listed on the “non-user” calendar only in the user’s calendar. Now this can be achieved by adding participants as part of the event; however, this was never necessary with previous versions. Given the large number of users we would prefer to have it setup were both the user and non-user/instrument calendars both show the event to all users automatically without relying on users to ensure this is done themselves. Wondering if there is a setting we are ignorant about that we need to setup to get this working again..? Or has there been a fundamental change to how the app works? Any help would be very much appreciated!!!

    1. You can enable task support in “System Settings” and create a task instead of an event. I think this will give you the functionality you are asking about.

  9. Been using the k5n Webcalendar for years and its been great. Is there any current work being done on incorporating CalDav to support linking to a remote CalDav server, like Davical? I’m finding I need to use Agendav for CalDav servers and wish CalDave linking was in Webcalendar.

    1. There is no current plan to start CalDAV support in WebCalendar by me. But code contributions are always welcome 🙂

  10. My user credentials do not work in /webcalendar/icalclient.php

    I’m trying to use my calendar in Thunderbird Lightning, and keep getting prompted to input my credentials, which are correct, but it does not accept.

    1. Are you trying the read-only client or the read-write client? I’ve found that some calendar clients just don’t authenticate well with the read-write client. The WebCalendar code may need some fixing regarding this, but I don’t think enough people are trying to use it to warrant someone providing a code fix.

      1. I’m having the exact same problem with the read/write calendar. It’s kinda weird, as the project’s homepage mentions Thunderbird as one of the programs this calendar works with (Lightning is Thunderbird’s calendare client). I can’t authenticate myself. It just pops up the password requester again and again. Wasted a day on looking for a solution for this. 🙁

  11. Hey there,
    First of all, you guys did a great Job!
    We here in Germany have an issue with the “central Calendar”.
    If we try to do one, the whole WebCalendar doesn’t work anymore and i have to reinstall the whole thing again (Webspace at Strato.de)
    So, how is it possible to create one? .-.

    1. Not sure what you mean by “central calendar”. Are you talking about a public calendar (like an event calendar)?

  12. Hello Actually i am facing an issue. I have installed web-calendar in my website, but now i want to change my hosting – i tried and migrate my all website data to other hosting. Everything working fine but web-calendar not working. Can you please tell me what i need to do to fix it ?

    I transfer all files and database but don’t know why it’s not running. Can you please help.

    1. I’d need more information on why it’s not working. Are you getting a server error trying to access the new site? Do you have access to the httpd server logs (where the site error should be logged)?

  13. Is it possible to set a different background color in the public calendar for cells with booked events when looking at the year-view? The date shows up in bold, but looking at the year view it is still difficult to recognize which dates are booked and which are not.

    1. Take a look at styles.css at the line following section:

      .minical td.hasevents {

      You could add some style for the cell background color there. It may affect other mini-calendars in WebCalendar. So, if you only want this on the year view, create a new entry in styles.css using a selector of #year .minical td.hasevents.

      1. Hi
        I tried to get a back-ground color in the year-view in two different ways. Unfortunately none worked 🙁

        1) I updated CSS using the “Custom script/stylesheet” in System Settings. I wrote: #year.minical td.hasevents {
        The only thing that changed was that this line was echoed on the top of the screen

        2) I created a new entry in styles.css using the same syntax
        #year.minical td.hasevents {
        This did not work either. Nothing happened.

        Could you please advice me on how to obtain this functionality?

      2. Hi again, sent you an answer yesterday saying that I couldn’t get it to work. However, today I managed to fix it:-)

        So no need to answer my previous mail. Thanks a lot for a fantastic product!

  14. Good afternoon, I have a problem, my website is in Spanish and I have a problem to get the accents in the vowels and with the letter ñ they do not appear, it replaces them with the sign of?. How do I correct that problem.

  15. When I go to my calendar now, this is what comes up:

    Deprecated: assert(): Calling assert() with a string argument is deprecated in /home/beaud706/public_html/events/includes/access.php on line 354

    Deprecated: assert(): Calling assert() with a string argument is deprecated in /home/beaud706/public_html/events/includes/access.php on line 314

    Deprecated: assert(): Calling assert() with a string argument is deprecated in /home/beaud706/public_html/events/includes/access.php on line 314

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/beaud706/public_html/events/includes/access.php:354) in /home/beaud706/public_html/events/includes/functions.php on line 1761
    Redirecting to.. here.

    1. So, this should be fixed with the latest code in the “master” branch on Github. If you don’t want to install that (or cannot) you can try turning off PHP warnings for the site. Since this is warning rather than an error, your site should function just fine. (This is an issue that popped up with some changes PHP made to more recent versions… essentially saying “change your code because it won’t work in a future version of PHP”.)

    1. YMMV depending on your version of Outlook. In general, many programs like Outlook allow a read-only subscription to the iCal (ics format) version of a calander. So, the URL will not be month.php. Go in your Preferences under “Subscribe/Publish”, and make sure you have “Allow remote subscriptions” set to “Yes”, then use one of the URLs shown there for the URL to add in Outlook.

    1. You can change the option for “Entry interval” in System Settings from 10 minutes to 15 minutes. This will give your choices in 15 minute intervals rather than 10 minute intervals.

  16. Hello,

    Just installed the callendar from github on a Ubuntu 16 with php 7.4.7 but with quite some menu settings I get:

    Invalid referring URL

    Any hints what I am doing wrong?


    1. Some browsers will show this error. Include a line in your includes/settings.php that says “disable_referer_check: true” to disable this check.

  17. I moved the calendar code the the secure site on the server, and updated the SERVER_URL in webcal_config. When I access the calendar the code redirects to the non-secure site. I’m using version 1.2.7. I cannot upgrade yet as we are still using php 5.X. What else needs to be edited so the calendar does not redirect itself to the non-secure site and urls remain as https?

    1. If you have the db cache enabled, you may have to clear the cache also. Normally, updating an event on your calendar will clear out the cache also (if you site is working properly). There have been some changes in the code since 1.2.7 to use relative URL redirects (does not use SERVER_URL) instead of full URLs. So, ideally you would just update to the latest code.

  18. Additional info:

    Phil, the error is from the file path:
    Please check the code updated.
    $do_load_admin = getPostValue ( ‘load_admin’ );
    if ( ! empty ( $do_load_admin ) ) {
    //add default admin user if not exists
    db_load_admin ();
    //check if an Admin account exists
    $_SESSION[‘admin_exists’] = db_check_admin ();
    $setup_complete = true;
    if ( $doLogin ) {
    echo “Bugger off.”; exit;
    // Save settings to file now.
    if ( ! empty ( $x ) || ! empty ( $y ) ){
    if ( $doLogin ) {
    // Hack attempt 🙂
    echo “Bugger off.”; exit;

    1. Yeah… that’s not supposed to happen. The actual code for that:
      if ( $doLogin ) {
      // Hack attempt :-)
      echo "Bugger off.
      "; exit;

      I’d suggest putting in a new issue on Github for this with more details about your setup. You get redirected to the install page when WebCalendar notices the code version has changed from what was previously running (and was set in the database).

  19. After moving the webcalendar to the secure server, when we edit an existing calendar entry we get the below error on edit_entry_handler.php. I’m using version 1.2.7. I cannot upgrade yet as we are still using php 5.X
    WebCalendar Error
    Invalid referring URL

    1. Add the following in your includes/settings.php file:
      disable_referer_check: true
      This will turn off this check (which is supposed to prevent CSRF, but does not work well with certain browsers and sites).

    2. I get the same error when I am trying to save the events. I used the installatron app to install the software from the godaddy cpanel. Ive tried to uninstall and reinstall a few times. I didn’t do anything special besides follow the installation questions. Both installatron and godaddy states it not their problem.

      1. So are you unable to make the change to the includes/settings.php file? You may have to use some kind of FTP/SFTP service to download the file to your PC/laptop, edit it, and then upload it back with FTP/SFTP.

        This seems to happen more with certain web browsers…. so I may have to make the default to turn this security check off.

    1. If you include a URL in the event description, it should become an active link on the “view event” page (view_entry.php) so that a user can click on the URL. If that is not happening for you, consider opening up a new issue on the WebCalendar Github page.

      1. I have posted a new issue to WebCalendar Github 3 days ago but have had no response! Is there any other options to getting this resolved? Thanks

        1. Hey, Mike. I just posted some follow-up questions to your issue on Github. I often rely on the generosity of other volunteers to answer/reply to new Github issues when I’m not available. And, that can sometimes take a little longer…

    1. Only approved events on with the public users as a participant should show up in the public calendar. So, you can either remove the public user or don’t approve it.

  20. I have an issue with groups. I notice if I create a user with admin permissions who is assigned to a group, he can edit events assigned to another group. Is there a way to ensure he can only edit events in his own group?

    1. An admin user in the context of WebCalendar, is an admin for all calendar data. So, ideally a site should only have 1 or 2 admin accounts since they have the power to do anything (delete users, etc.)

  21. Great I solved all of those issues once pointed in the right direction. Is there a way to move a set of daily events to a new date range without having to copy them all one by one? I am using this software to plot RV caravans with each days event and location. The same trips occur each year with the same itinerary. It would nice just to copy and paste the entire date range into a new one. The reports function works well to give our customers a printed day by day itinerary. As I get past the learning curve, this software works great for us.

    One other useful feature would be the ability to select whether a user can only view a report, or view and modify them. (Under user access control.). Also in the manage reports, it would be nice in the page template section if you could insert the report name variable. You can type it in manually, but it would be nice if it could do it by reading what’s in the report name field. You seem to be only able to do that in the event template (${name}). Not a big deal.

    1. Glad to hear you were able to get some of it working to your liking, Paul. Feel free to add your feature requests as Github issues. The user access control doesn’t get used by most users, so it’s good to hear someone making good use of it.

  22. Hi from Italy, I would like to use your calendar in my organization, but to do so I need to have the long description always displayed in the calendar, not only in the print view. Is that possible? Thank you for your fantastic work!

  23. Is it easy to disable the built in authentication, I want to integrate with an existing backoffice and existing login system.

  24. I get the error “Invalid referring URL” when trying to change the admin info.

    I added “disable_referer_check: true” to settings.php, but it doesn’t help.

    Any suggestions?


    1. I’m working on a replacement for the referer check to handle CSRF. The new code is in the bootstrap-ui branch and should be merged into the main branch in the next month or so (but you can try it out now). FYI, it’s a major UI change also. Setting the value to “true” in settings.php should fix the issue for now, so you may be having another issue.

  25. I’ve been trying to view a sample of the calendar but always get a blank page. Is there an issue with Chrome on Win10 that I’m not aware of? Can you provide a sample page? Are there any issues with specific browser? Thanks in advance!

    1. No issues with any of the desktop browsers. I regularly use it with Chrome. Check the server log to see if there is a server-side error. You could also try checking the browser developer tools to see if there is a rendering issue (less likely than a server issue).

  26. Hello, I tried to update the newest version, but when I do it, everything works fine, but it does not update my calendar data that had all my history, is there any way to update from version 1.3 to 1.9 with all my data.

  27. Having some problems when looking at moving to new server, it looks like WebCalendar is set up to use mysql but I can’t find the database anywhere on the system. Is it storing the entries locally in a file somewhere? I don’t see the database running on the server anywhere, I do see some tables in a directory but nothing has been modified in several years.

  28. Hai,

    Is the last php version for 7.4.33 still available ?
    Tried the 1.9.1 but that failed.

    Cheers Paul (and best wishes for 2024:))

  29. Using 1.9.10 and seeing strange behavior with password changes. I can change directly at the table level for the user, but after initial login I am no longer able to successfully login. I’ve tried changing the password for other users via the web ui and the new passwords never work.

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