New WebCalendar UI

The WebCalendar user interface has become rather dated, and new UI options are currently being considered. Mobile platforms need to be better supported. There’s been feedback about that for many years now. Goals for the new UI include:

  • modern appearance
  • native mobile support (better rendering on mobile)
  • simplified code for doing layout (no more using table column widths to do layout)
  • built-in support for themes/customization
  • built-in support for menus, date selection, rich text edit (or easily added)
  • wide adoption (easy for developers to use)
  • lean & fast

Bootstrap with jQuery looks like a step in the right direction. Comment below on on the Github issue page if you have suggestions.

February 2021 Update

There is now a new bootstrap-ui branch on the github repo. The updated UI will be jquery + bootstrap. It’s just getting started, so there’s not much to look at yet. As always…. code contributions are welcome!

2 thoughts on “New WebCalendar UI

  1. WebCalendar looks good. I have installed it and corrected some Finnish translation bugs, but have not sent any feedback about the modifications.

    I would like to add some features:
    – as a public calendar anyone could add a new event proposal leaving his or her mail address
    – there should be some extra fields in the event, for instance, event’s key person, event group and phone number
    – new entry should be sent by mail to the main organizer, who has the right to accept this proposal or reject it
    – after accepting or rejectiong the event, email should be automatically sent to the creator of the event
    – by leaving email address, one could be a registred user and get mails from new accepted events

    I would be willing to make modifications myself, but I am not too familiar with php and the structure of WebCalendar, more designer than programmer, but I have also made long time ago lot of coding and sql searching

    Is there a WebCalendar community, who could help me getting started?

    Or is somewhere some common guidelines how to create and maintain this kind of server software changes – is the structure following some general guidelines?

    Best Regards

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